Global Transition with Rob Hopkins

November 2011 | TBA

The Irish launch of the ‘The Transition Companion: making your community more resilient in uncertain times’

With author Rob Hopkins and other transition catalysts from around the world beamed in to discuss its themes.

What if the best responses to peak oil and climate change don’t come from government, but from you and me and the people around us?

In 2008, the best-selling The Transition Handbook suggested a model for a community-led response to peak oil and climate change. Since then, the Transition idea has gone viral across the globe, from Italian villages and Brazilian favelas to universities and London neighborhoods. In contrast to the ever-worsening stream of information about climate change, the economy, and resource depletion, Transition focuses on solutions, on community-scale responses, on meeting new people, and on having fun.

The Transition Companion picks up the story today, drawing on the experience of one of the most fascinating experiments under way in the world. It tells inspiring tales of communities working for a future where local economies are valued and nurtured; where lower energy use is seen as a benefit; and where enterprise, creativity, and the building of resilience have become cornerstones of a new economy.

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